by ian J

June 14, 2016

Learn how to lead and manage effective teams

This is an interactive program for employees new to supervising others or experienced people managers who want to develop, grow and manage effective and profitable teams.

The aims of this programme are to help attendees: 

  • Identify and develop their strengths and weaknesses as a manager and leader
  • Lead high performance teams
  • Identify and develop the learning needs of their teams and of individuals
  • Create engaging employee & customer experiences
  • Improve their team’s performance and profitability

Programme Structure

This is a modular training programme that can be designed around the needs and capabilities of each business. We do not prescribe what to cover in leadership development, instead, we help you to identify what your teams learning needs are and then offer a solution that is aligned with each individual’s learning needs as well as the objectives of the business.

This means we can help your team to develop in one area of leadership or in a range of areas of leadership. 

A Sample Leadership Training Program

Here s a sample of the learning program structure:


  • 360 online Leadership competencies assessment 
  • Personal & business learning and performance objectives setting
  • Learning Activities

  • 1/2 day or full day training workshops (as required)
  • 30 minute one on one business coaching calls (as required)
  • Post-Training

  • Leadership competencies assessment evaluation
  • Personal & business objectiveevaluation
  • Leadership Workshops

    Each workshop is practical, intense and interactive; allowing attendees to learn the fundamentals of the topic, allowing them opportunities to refine their knowledge and skills before putting their learning into practice back in the workplace.

    Half day workshops 

    Click on each tab to learn more

    Full day workshops 

    Click on each tab to learn more

    About the author 

    ian J

    I have been involved in Learning & Development for over 15 years in Australia, and the UK. Having worked with a range of public and private business in both private and public sector. I have seen a lot of what works and also a lot of what doesn't.

    I believe that with the right tools, guidance and support anyone can train better on the job.